The artist in the school residency program is an exciting opportunity for students to see a professional show and also have the opportunity to work with professional performing artists in the classroom for up to 8 sessions per class. 


We have 4 Performing Arts Residencies to choose from.

Our residencies always include every child! 

Our residencies always include professional performances!

Our residencies always end with a school-wide performance! 

This program is sponsored in part by grants from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA).

Rooney and Punyi Productions was the first performing arts company on the AFA touring roster and have 4 exciting residencies to choose from. Schools that are interested in booking a performing arts residency can download a grant application by going to the AFA website.

Rooney and Punyi Productions offer

4 Different Performing Artists in Residencies

Physical Theatre- Mime

Language Arts Improvisation

Literacy on Stage

Create Your Own Environment Play

(Scroll down for more details)


Maureen Rooney and Paul Punyi are recipients of the Mayor’s Lifetime Achievement in the Arts Award and tour the country with a repertoire of 28 shows and they have taught theatre for over 30 years, specializing in Physical Theatre, Stage-fight, Slapstick, Mask, Commedia del Arte, and movement for the actor.   Hundreds of Alberta schools have enjoyed a Rooney-Punyi Performing Arts Residency!

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Physical Theatre

This exciting and popular residency has been enjoyed by hundreds of schools throughout Alberta!   This is a fun, fast-paced introduction to many different styles of Physical Theatre: (mime, graphics, tableau, and black box). Grades K-3 create a mini theatre pieces and act out storybooks during each session while parents watch their young performers in action.  Each class of Grades 4-9 gets 5-7 sessions to create 3 group pieces for an exciting physical theatre festival. Students and teachers love this fun approach to physical theatre!  This residency ends with a school-wide physical theatre festival that parents love!

Schools often receive 50-75% funding for residencies from Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

Language Arts Improvisation

The teachers who attended our sessions at a number of Alberta Teacher’s Conventions asked that these fun games and exercises be brought together as a residency! So here it is!

Language Arts Improvisation Residency is a fun, introduction to acting and improvisation. Each class gets 5-6 sessions. Each session has been designed to enhance the language arts curriculum, allowing students to practice listening comprehension, storytelling, and presentation skills in a fun, non-threatening atmosphere. How do I find and fill in the holes in my story? How do I take my story from interesting to entertaining? What’s my character thinking? Am I good at telling my story in sequence?  These skills are taught through theatre games that are hand picked or created by us!  This residency ends with a school-wide Improv Festival where laughter fills the hallways and parents have a blast joining in the fun!

Literacy on Stage

This exciting residency takes students through the same process that professional playwrights go through when work-shopping their plays. Students are introduced to ways of creating characters and dialogue through the use of improvisation. Grades 4 – 9 work with student written stories or hand-picked storybooks. Grade 3 work with popular children’s stories. Grades K – 2 act out a different story every session. Reading and writing is fun when you combine it with theatre! The journey from the page to the stage is a fabulous learning experience for both students and teachers. This residency ends with older students performing their very own mini-plays for younger grades and parents. Schools often receive 50-75% funding for residencies from Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

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