INTERVIEW HISTORY Bringing history to life since 1996

A riveting half hour, performance bringing dynamic history makers right into your classroom! Your students will be enthralled while you, have the opportunity to ask many personal questions that we respond to with fully researched and accurate answers. Available for Grades 5-12. If you would like to contact us for more information email us at

Every year hundreds of students experience Interview History. Schools bring us back year after year. Virtual performances also available.

Louis Riel (1844-1885)

(1844 – 1885) Leader of the Metis Nation

This is a beautiful and respectful interview where the audience gets to meet a passionate leader of the Metis people who led the Red River Resistance and North West Resistance.  Learn about his heritage, his hopes and dreams for a better Canada and his great love of his people who were unjustly discriminated against.

V.I. Lenin

V.I. Lenin

(1870 – 1924) Bolshevik Revolutionary Leader

70 – 1924) Bolshevik Revolutionary Leader

Did you know Lenin’s parents were wealthy educators. He rejected all religion shortly after his brother’s execution. Find out how he reacted when the interviewer accuses him of slaughtering more people than the regime he replaced. Students are captivated by this powerful interview with this frightening Bolshevik dictator.

Nellie McClung

Nellie McClung

(1873 – 1951) Canada’s Greatest Suffragist, Politician, Author

Nellie had a tough as nails mother who was against her the whole way, which gave her strength to battle the male politicians for women’s rights. She began her career as a school teacher at only 16. Even though alcohol nearly destroyed her family, she knew that prohibition was not the answer. In this interview you will find out much more about this fiery activist who changed the history of Canada and the world.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

(1452 – 1519) Artist, Scientist, Inventor

The illegitimate son of a nobleman inspired by an uncle who nurtured his passion for nature. Leonardo was a genius, a true visionary. A man who was consumed by the beauty and perfection of the world around him. Driven by curiosity to create magnificent works of art. Students are taken back to the time of the Renaissance by one of the most gifted minds of the world.

William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare

(1564-1616) Bard, Poet & Playwright

Meet the most famous playwright of all time who began his career in theatre tending horses. This interview sweeps you through Elizabethan England where this playwright struggled to create art and beauty while surrounded by politics, plagues, torture, and poverty. Students love this flirtatious and humorous interview that brings them close to the heart of the Bard.


Samuel de Champlain

(1570 – 1635) Founding Father of Quebec

A man of many talents; a sailor, a map maker, a writer and an artist but most importantly a famous explorer who is most remembered for building a French colony in Canada which became Quebec.  This exciting interview with one of Canada’s bravest explorers thrills both the girls and boys in the classroom with tales of heroism, through war, starvation, mutiny and scurvy.




Pierre Elliott Trudeau

(1919 -2000) 15th Prime Minister of Canada

Meet the prankster who had the audacity to pirouette behind the Queen. Beyond Fuddle-Duddle and pirouettes this engaging interview with Canada’s longest standing Prime Minister uses wit, charm and passion to cover everything, from his childhood, travelling escapades, Trudeau-mania, his marriage to Margaret, as well as the FLQ crisis, Official Languages, Quebec Referendum, the Constitution, and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. 


Cathrine The Great


Catherine The Great

(1729 – 1796) Empress of Russia

This interview takes you on a journey with the young German princess with high ideals, who later became one of the most feared and powerful leaders in the world. Hear the emotional recounting of how she rode her horse like a man and led her troops through the only bloodless coup in the history of the world. Students are glued to this emotional interview, where it is made evident that absolute power corrupts absolutely.

   Photos by Wes Doyle

For written REVIEWS from the PRESS and EDUCATORS – scroll down 

Interview History in the News 

CBC News Regina Covers Interview History

CFRN News Edmonton Interview

Global News Calgary Follows Paul Punyi as V.I. Lenin to Calgary School

CBC National News ‘Rough Cuts’ Explores Interview History


 It works! The class of young people is riveted

Colin MacLean  –  CBC TV

A textbook come to life right before their eyes.  The kids sure liked the performance.  The more they watch, the more they feel they know them!

Gil TuckerGlobal Calgary


Learning about the past from a textbook doesn’t cut it.  When these actors come in, it brings history to life! When class is over, many can’t believe these historical characters aren’t real, and can’t wait to learn more!

Catherine McDonald – CFRN



They have fascinated students at our school for over 10 years. The historical content, and personal insights on the characters they portray, is as informative as they are entertaining. We will continue to use Interview History as an important part of our units.
C. Harding –  Calgary Teacher


What a brilliant way to expose and engage students to Canadian or Renaissance history. Interview History is my way to time-travel with my students to places in the past and view the stories from the point of view of historical individuals. Students sit captivated. They wait in anticipation of future performances.

Ksenia Fedyna – Edmonton Teacher


Wow! Thanks again for bringing history to life for my students. Your portrayals of Louis Riel and Nelly McClung vividly assist the students’ understanding of how our Canadian democracy’s ideals of fairness have evolved. Please continue to keep up the good work.

Theresa Doherty – Leduc Teacher


Interview History is a fantastic way to bring the curriculum to life. Through costumes, props, accents and conversation, students can appreciate the challenges and perspectives of significant people from the past. In my experience, the best way to make humanism meaningful and relevant to young people is to meet Da Vinci himself!”

Erin Pruski – Edmonton Teacher


The Interview History performances have been an integral part of our Social Studies Program for years!  It is as if these historical figures have actually walked into our 21st Century classrooms to share their stories.  The intensity of the performances totally engages our young audiences and truly makes history come alive for our students!

Barb Biggs – Curriculum Coordinator


Interview History brings history and the curriculum alive, and challenges our students to engage in critical thinking.  The performances have always had our students captivated and enthralled.

Hilda Mah -Edmonton, Teacher, Librarian

A lesson my students won’t forget, totally engaging.  A real step back into history and a fascinating glimpse into what we were. The students wish Rooney and Punyi could be here every day. Their historical figures come to life and make history the real deal. Helps make the textbook come to life. Students were excited for weeks after the presentation. A great motivational tool for all types of learners and encourages teachers to further engage their students with motivational classes.

John Leavens  Calgary Teacher

My students loved Nellie McClung.  By bringing a significant person like Nellie McClung to meet and influence our students with powerful personality and recall of meaningful events the students connect on a much stronger level. With research to prepare and a reflection to wrap up, this was a very effective history study, all centred around the skillful drama of Maureen Rooney.

Marlene Ironside – Lacombe Teacher


Bringing history alive in the classroom is powerful for students. They are in the moment as they listen to the stories first hand. Interview History is a fabulous resource to help junior high teachers teach and their students learn the importance of history, worldview, and governance.

Jill Germain  Edmonton Teacher

Over the years, I have seen or participated in most of the Interview History performances and have really appreciated the way in which the actors truly do bring history alive. The productions are engaging, informative and give the students insights that are hard to learn from a textbook, video or teacher lecture.

Gayle Monsma –  Principal

We are always pleased with these in-school opportunities offered by Interview History.  The program is Curricular aligned, the least disruptive field trip going, as well as a valuable resource for students working on Heritage, Renaissance, and government projects.

Pat Proudfoot – Edmonton Teacher

“Interview History” is a most effective way to motivate student interest. The social studies are enhanced by “Interview History.” Highly professional and entertaining.

Ross Munro – Drayton Valley Teacher


The interviews are interesting and informative for both teachers and their students.  Students experience an interactive connection with important characters from the past and realize that they were real live people!

Darlene Zuk-Wodinski  – Edmonton Teacher

Through and incredible performance, Rooney and Punyi immediately brought to life an essential period of time where students are able to hear their stories and ask questions.  These performances from master actors’ enhance the social studies curriculum and actively engage students in ways difficult for a classroom teacher to create.
Joseph Filiplic – Edmonton Teacher

As a social studies teacher, I believe that teaching history cannot rely solely on textbooks. History and Social Studies relate to real people who have had a significant impact on their society. By having Her Highness Catherine the Great meeting with my students, by having Lenin in my classroom, smashing the desk with his iron fist, Russian history became alive and meaningful for my students.”

P. Rousseau –  St. Albert Teacher /Principal


“The Interview History” performances bring relevant historical characters to life. Our students study these characters but they do not seem ‘real’ until they actually see them in action. They are thrown back in time and actually ‘feel’ what the character might have experienced during their lifetime. They are performances that students definitely remember and that, in the classroom, we talk about long after they are witnessed.”
M Paterson – Calgary Teacher

Our school has had the many characters of Rooney and Punyi speak to students in Gr. 7, 8 and 9 on many occasions in the last decade. Always so professional and well prepared they provide an excellent other view for children who learn best through the performing arts.
C, Andrews – Sherwood Park Teacher

Paul and Maureen inspire my students to love Canadian history! Their enthusiasm for their subject, and their ability to connect with my elementary students, enables my students to understand some very challenging historical materials. Paul and Maureen truly bring these historical characters to life! I simply can’t teach Canadian history without bringing in John A., Nellie and Louis Riel!
A. Daly – St. Albert Teacher

I bring them in every year!  Their excellent, dramatic program helps many of my students transcend the realm of name date event.  I applaud the insight passion, and humour of your performances.  BRAVO!

H. Chorley – Edmonton Teacher


A very personal and theatrical means to bring historical characters to life that I would highly recommend!

G. Berry – Edmonton Teacher

 Our students were spellbound!  Paul and Maureen’s research on their characters has been carefully completed, their writing is excellent, their acting superb.  Their visits enrich the curriculum and are an extension to what we have learned in class.

V. Nathanson – Edmonton Teacher


Extensively researched accurate and appropriate for junior and senior high school students.  I cannot express strongly enough the power that a dramatic performance like this has on captivating students!

C. Stratulat – Calgary Teacher


Their characters are extremely well researched and their attention to detail in costuming, voice and gesture make these historical figures truly come alive.  It is a very important teaching strategy that every school should have the opportunity to utilize.

P. Nolan – Calgary Teacher/ Vice Principal

Pure genius in presentation and totally interactive!  Leonardo da Vinci comes to life with all of his Renaissance persona and humanistic worldview.

G. Marrelli –  Edmonton Teacher

I have only heard wonderful, positive comments from my students  This was an exceptional learning experience, and I had a fun time too!
Joanne Wynn –  Edmonton Teacher